Welcome to BariatricHelp

Would you want a bariatric surgeon who:

1) appears to have missed complications from bariatric surgery
2) blamed you for your problems (even when those problems are in the medical literature) & complications
3) appears to not have worked in tandem with your other doctors at times
4) told you to go research one of their decisions, when you asked them where they got the idea from
5) refused to answer questions about your treatment & about other forms of treatment
6) wouldn’t give you help with pain killers
7) never apologized
8) didn’t involve you in treatment decisions
9) didn’t exactly tell you the full truth when you were emergency hospitalized due to complications from surgery
10) followed you on public property to where the cops told them to “leave her alone”
11) told you they would put it in your records if you refused to be weighed, so that it interfered with your relationships with other doctors
12) did things so that future patients couldn’t know of how they treated you (you have to wonder why they did that)
13) practiced favoritism
14) had the group take your suggestions that gave them a bigger bottom line in profits but dropped your care
15) appeared to violate federal law by dropping your care 2 days after you complained over a HIPAA violation
16) tells you that we pay more attention to you than any one (when if appropriate care was provided that wouldn’t be needed)
17) tells you that “you push my buttons”
18) have another patient tell them “I can’t work with you, Bariatric Surgeon”
18) you want to know if the doctor makes it your problem only?
and here are some more examples.
19) said that after 16 months you had no further surgical needs, contrary to their published guidelines and national guidelines? (Neurological issues, Source 2, Source 3, Source 4, Source 5.
20) has people “gang stalk” you for expressing your opinion that you want to let others know how you were treated?

Just so you know,
Studies Find many Treatments tried but not true

Just a note I sent to the admin of the bariatric group: “I’m without care now, and the contract I signed with the group was that I would return for follow up visits. If we don’t need care after surgery and can go elsewhere, then why did the group have me sign a paper stating that?”. Ask your physician if they have this, if they’ve dropped people, and where they go for care. You’ll find from my experiences a lot of the time there is no care in the area, few know how to deal with bariatric patients, and all the medical advice (especially from ASMBS & the almost ALL bariatric surgery practices) does NOT recommend this, especially when you’ve had complications.

I want people to learn & not get the same treatment. Remember, they’re selling a product/service with a potential 45% profit motive: I’m selling you reasons that myself and others have learned to take care of YOU first! MAKE SURE YOUR SURGEON DOES NOT DO THIS TO YOU!! The way to do that is to ask lots of specific questions, research, and network/talk with others. The journey is all about you.

am more than happy to meet personally with any one so you can see the original medical records – just email me at askbariatricquestions@gmail.com and if you are in my area, there is a lot of documentation to show you.

I’m going public because it seems that the malnutrition & neuropathies from it, I had back when I was with my bariatric surgeon, were not caught. I am not being monitored because of being dropped by the doctor (the timeline is of interest to any patient especially regarding HIPAA violation retaliation), legal agreements and doctors not knowing or being familiar with what is going on. I may have permanent damage, or worse, because of it, and can’t get care in the area.

Good luck and may everyone have a safe and wonderful journey! Do not forego the surgery because of my complications, because I actually tell people to go ahead and get the surgery. I had gastroparesis before the surgery. I ended up after the surgery with still remnants of gastroparesis (delayed gastric emptying, although a gastrectomy is supposed to fix it), GERD/reflux (which I will suffer from the rest of my life as going from a sleeve to a RNY isn’t possible without a surgeon in the area to do it), IBS, food intolerances (from an allergist) to fish, shellfish, dairy, nuts, and tree nuts (unfortunately all protein sources). Add to that, possible celiac disease. Unfortunately red meat is also known to be a problem after surgery and I don’t do well with it either. I’m very rare – and I don’t regret what I did although it was more for the gastroparesis than the weight loss.

You just need to be careful of your surgeon and their philosophy, and their education or the lack thereof.

Ask questions. There are excellent doctors out there, just research and check out after care especially. Know about what goes on, being up to date: if they aren’t, how much do they think of YOU their patient, or of themselves in a life changing specialty? Would you want to pay for a doctor who recommended Flintstones vitamins, when the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, the national body, doesn’t? Bariatric surgery is very expensive, even when the insurance pays for it. Learn as much as you can about all sorts of things that surround what you might have.

If you don’t think malnutrition is serious:
“Because our bodies are very good at compensating during tough times, doctors have observed that blood tests and external measures of illness are inadequate: there are very few indications a body is about to go into crisis until the damage has already been done. Too many families find out only after a life-threatening or fatal episode how close a loved one was to death.

In PCM, however, the lymphatic system can’t keep up with the leakage, and the stomach area begins to bloat with its own waste fluids. Add to this the likelihood of a swollen liver, which is another result of PCM, and you wind up with the terrible irony of a person on the verge of starvation looking weirdly similar to an overeater.

Starvation can cause (amongst other things) low blood pressure and poor circulation; osteoporosis leading to possible fractures, deformities, and pain; anaemia; stomach shrinkage, leading to uncomfortable stretching and feelings of fullness when more than a small amount is eaten; increased blood cholesterol levels due to lack of oestrogen; nerve and muscle damage; low glucose levels, which may lead to coma; kidney failure; and death through heart failure (see Treasure, 1997: 106-7).”

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